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Photo by Edward Eyer from Pexels


Rain: Courage TRC


Rain is a sorrel, spotted 9-year-old appaloosa and quarter horse mare. This young mare was imprinted at birth by her owner in order to prepare her for the therapy world. Her training has influenced her to be a curious and vibrant horse to work with for adults, teens, youth at risk, and those with special needs. Rain is slow and steady, specializing in groundwork, walk-trot lessons, and private sessions. She enjoys working at liberty and spending time with people in general. This horse can show her strong-willed personality in the best ways, teaching individuals the confidence necessary to be good leaders. Scratches, petting, and continued love from her riders is all Rain needs to happily meet her handlers at the gate each day before private sessions begin. Thanks, Rain, for your continued dedication and unique, playful personality!

Barbee: Courage TRC


Barbee is a gray 19-year-old American Quarter Horse mare. She had a bit of a rocky start as a two-year-old with a rough human hand. After receiving an injury while at training, she was turned out to pasture and received very little handling until she was 12 years old. Her past has made her a perfect horse to assist with private sessions with youth at risk, focusing on groundwork and body language. This mare is extremely reflective of her environment and the energy of her handlers, offering a special unbiased and honest opinion of them. Barbee is gentle, kind, well-mannered, and has the softest touch when investigating unfamiliar people. Considering her past, she exemplifies the resilience we see in a lot of young people searching for their path in life. She shows her handlers trust, willingness, and how fear and anxiety can be overcome with focus and heart. Thanks, Barbee - the confidence and leadership skills you have helped children and young adults develop cannot be priced!

Abby: Courage TRC


Abby is a 17-year-old palomino racking horse mare. Racking horses are another type of gaited horse. Their lateral movement and single footfalls cause there to be an overall even weight distribution when the horse moves at any speed. This makes for a smooth ride that is perfect for children who are less confident in their abilities to ride a "bouncy" horse. Abby spent her younger years flashy in the show ring, enjoying her pre-show baths, grooming, and braiding. She has done therapeutic riding for children with special needs and worked with large groups of people. Her bold yet dainty personality and golden locks tend to capture attention quickly. Thanks, Abby, for your bright and shining spirit!

Dolly: Courage TRC


Dolly is a 22-year-old quarter horse mare. She spent her younger years as a reliable mount for children at play days and rodeos across Northwest Arkansas. Dolly is slow and steady, making her an ideal equine partner for younger children and individuals who may require that extra soft touch. Dolly is a first horse for many riders, boosting confidence in horsemanship skills with her gentle nature. Thank you, Dolly, for your peaceful spirit.

Star: Courage TRC


Star is the newest member of the Courage herd. She is a 16-year-old shire, quarter horse mare. Shires are draft breeds known for their strength and pulling abilities. Draft breeds tend to be slow and steady, with level heads and big hearts. Her past life was spent in the pasture with a few herd mates and no job other than being a horse! In her spare time, aside from simply grazing, she stood calmly for children to crawl on and groom. Star has always been gentle and accepting.  Throughout her training process, she's proven to be willing, curious, and very concerned with pleasing her handlers. She seems to enjoy having work to do and we can't wait to see how many lives she touches. 

Lucky: Courage TRC


Lucky is a 13-year-old foundation bred quarter horse. He began his career as a halter horse and progressed to endurance riding. A new rider obtained Lucky and they began dressage and jumping. Due to an injury during his endurance days, Lucky preferred to keep his feet on the ground. "Lucky" for us, this trait makes Lucky a great therapy horse! He is a kind and honest horse with a heart of gold. Lucky excels with all demographics and works well in groups or individually. Thank you Lucky, for sharing your kind soul with everyone at Courage TRC.  

Stormy: Courage TRC


Stormy is a 19-year-old Welsh pony. She had a long and illustrious career as a show-jumper. Stormy taught many young riders about discipline, patience, perseverance, and respect while taking them through the paces of the hunter/jumper show circuit. Courage was delighted when we got the call asking if we had room in our herd for this special white unicorn. She has many more years to offer her magic. Thank you Stormy, for letting us share this next quest with you. 

Logan: Courage TRC


Logan is a 17-year-old, big boned thoroughbred who began his life as a race horse . His second career was show jumping. He is now 19 years old and has been in the family for 15 of these wonderful years. Logan let us know quickly that he wasn’t ready to retire. This gentle giant has always had a kind heart and a love for humans. He is a wonderful addition to our equine team and excels at working with youth considered to be at risk.  Logan is slow and steady and ready to accept even nervous riders. He's done a wonderful job building the confidence of many new riders. Thanks Logan!!

Hank: Courage TRC

Hank's Memorial

Hank was a 21-year-old American Paint Horse gelding. Hank was Courage's Senior Equine Founder and a huge example for the rest of the herd. He gave children some of the best experiences of their lives. Senior equines are some of the best therapy horses and do amazing work for their humans. With age, gravity and time wear our old friends down, and they need special supplementation, vitamins, feeds, and more.  Courage hopes to always provide for our senior citizens, but it can be expensive. Will you help our senior herd members out in honor of Hank? 


Thank you, Hank, for your years of service and your sweet and gentle nature! We will never forget you!

Courage Therapeutic Riding Center (Altered Logo)

Courage Therapeutic Riding Center

12922 Hogeye Rd.

Prairie Grove, AR. 72753



©2020 by Courage TRC, Inc.


We make a living by what we get,

but we make a life by what we give.

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